
Beach wedding in India

Getting married on the beach is the most romantic moment for the couple. The sunset and cool breeze makes it a delight for the guests. Places like Goa, Kovalam, Puri, have magnificent beaches for weddings in India. But its not just about the pleasant ambiance there are many intricacies involved like licensing for sound in open, permit to use a particular area etc.. A good wedding planner who has a pro hand to take you smoothly through such sticky situations is essential for a beach wedding

Things essential for a beach wedding –

Get the beach licenses cleared before the wedding day or else this small mistake can spoil the entire wedding.

Beach wedding in Goa is suitable only in Winters i.e. October to February.

Goa and Kovalam in India serves as the best wedding destination for a beach wedding in India.

Always wear comfortable footwear for a beach wedding. Pencil heels are not advisable.

Benefits of a beach wedding

A beach is a perfect location for all types of wedding. Be it a morning or an evening wedding ceremony the décor can be creative. Elements like candles can be used for a night beach wedding and bright colors for a daytime beach wedding.


How to be the perfect Guests

So you’ve been invited to a wedding. This unfortunately is not your day to shine, however following the below steps will lead you to become the perfect wedding guest, who will only make the lucky couples day easier and more enjoyable.

RSVP (on time!)

The invitation set a RSVP cut off date for a reason. Seats, drinks, dinner, cake — everything must be ordered and paid for based on number of attendees, and in a timely fashion, often months before the actual wedding date. If you miss the RSVP date, don’t be surprised if the couple have already counted you out.

Follow the dress code

Do not wear white. On any other given day, white might suit you best and accentuate your blue eyes and rosy cheeks — but not today. Wearing white, the same as the bride, is a sure-fire way of receiving your meal late or even not at all. There should be no competition on a bride’s special day. Wearing white will only cause unnecessary drama, and forfeit your right to a thank you letter or wedding favour. Not exactly the way to make friends.

Put down your iPhone

Don’t post photos until AFTER the wedding. While some weddings disallow photography other than the professional photographer(#UnpluggedWeddings), others perhaps haven’t given it a thought. As a courtesy, if you do take personal photos at the ceremony, keep them to yourself at least until after the groom has seen his bride for the first time. This moment is about them — not your Instagram followers.

Offer to help

And actually do it! No wedding is without its hiccups, but this shouldn’t be a burden on the newlyweds’ shoulders. It’s their day and night to enjoy, and if every guest is being as perfect as you, it will truly be one to remember.


If you have dietary requirements, don’t assume the couple remember or have time to worry about what you’ll eat… tell them! When you send your RSVP be sure to note if you may have any requirements and never assume that anyone is a mind reader.

Avoid over-drinking

There’s always one drunken mess at the reception, isn’t there? If you can think of one at the last wedding you attended, it was probably you. Unless the couple is keen on a dry wedding, it’s likely that someone will have a few too many. Make sure it isn’t you or your plus one to ensure the happy couple stay that way.


Wedding brides from different regions of India

India is the land of various cultures and traditions, and the best way to get a hold of each of them, is to go to a wedding from each of these cultures. Languages, states and religions make sure that there is really no shortage, when it comes to different kinds of weddings. And each and every one of them are equally beautiful.
Let us see how Bollywood have showcased brides from various regions of India.

Let us see how Bollywood have showcased brides from various regions of India.

South Indian Wedding Bride

Muslim Wedding Bride

Punjabi Wedding Bride

Rajputana Wedding Bride

Kashmiri Wedding Bride

Rajasthani Wedding Bride